Saturday, 12 February 2011

Work in Progress II

Thought it was about time for another painting preview! I am working on quite a few paintings for completion this Summer and I thought it would be nice giving a glimpse of what I'm working on.

Work in Progress "The Call" 28" x 16" Oil on canvas
I had planned this painting a long time before I started sketching it, so it's been a long time in the pipe line! It is now about halfway finished with a few more layers and glazes to go on. The background is obviously the least complete at the moment as I like to work on the horse first in a painting.

The inspiration for this painting is one of the ethereal grey Polish mares that I have had the pleasure to see at international shows and following this I hope painting will be bit of a dreamy night-scene.

And now whilst the current layer of paint dries on this painting I will now work on one of my chestnut Arabian paintings, though I can never resist the lure of a grey for too long.


  1. Beautiful Lois! How are you finding the move from acrylics to oils?

  2. Thank you! I got rather frustrated with acrylics in the end and had mostly used them for the quick drying properties. Enjoying using oils though have had to adapt my method of working slightly but I'm really enjoying the effects and the feel of working with oils!
