Saturday, 26 November 2011

Work in progress, layer 2

Recently finished the second layer on one of my many paintings I am working on for 2012: 

22"x 18" oil on canvas board
Well, second layer on the mare since the background is layer one which does not matter too much at this stage. Now I happy with composition I can work on layering up detail and contrast on this painting. 

I am still deciding which paintings I will offer limited edition prints from... think this one will be a contender but just have to wait and see how it develops!

Friday, 11 November 2011

11 Photographs from Verona for 11/11/11


Featuring Shanghai EA who went on to be junior male champion. A truly ethereal colt who will definitely be a model for future paintings.

Top three mares in a class, nicely standing in order of greying-out with handlers (shirts at least) also matching white to black.

Featuring a filly with great attitude and presence.


Contrast between the mare and the background, and a sense of solitude despite a busy ring and crowd!


A common problem when taking photographs from the ringside, especially at such a busy show with a somewhat transitory audience.


Esparto, a stallion I enjoyed seeing at this show in 2009 and who I was very pleased to see again in 2011!


Always a pleasure to see horses from Sax Arabians...


...just as it is always a pleasure to see horses from Polish state studs!


A view from a stallion class.


The lovely LVA Maximus, bronze senior champion.


And finally a view of stallion and set-dressing, grey gold and black.

... more photographs are available to view at my website: