Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

EQ Life Shot of the year

Two of my Arabian horse photographs from East Anglia are featured in EQ Life magazine's Shot of the year feature! 

"Looking On"
 The magazine is now taking votes for which photograph in this competition will be crowned photo of the year.


If you like either of these photographs you can vote for them here: !

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Work in progress, layer 2

Recently finished the second layer on one of my many paintings I am working on for 2012: 

22"x 18" oil on canvas board
Well, second layer on the mare since the background is layer one which does not matter too much at this stage. Now I happy with composition I can work on layering up detail and contrast on this painting. 

I am still deciding which paintings I will offer limited edition prints from... think this one will be a contender but just have to wait and see how it develops!

Friday, 11 November 2011

11 Photographs from Verona for 11/11/11


Featuring Shanghai EA who went on to be junior male champion. A truly ethereal colt who will definitely be a model for future paintings.

Top three mares in a class, nicely standing in order of greying-out with handlers (shirts at least) also matching white to black.

Featuring a filly with great attitude and presence.


Contrast between the mare and the background, and a sense of solitude despite a busy ring and crowd!


A common problem when taking photographs from the ringside, especially at such a busy show with a somewhat transitory audience.


Esparto, a stallion I enjoyed seeing at this show in 2009 and who I was very pleased to see again in 2011!


Always a pleasure to see horses from Sax Arabians...


...just as it is always a pleasure to see horses from Polish state studs!


A view from a stallion class.


The lovely LVA Maximus, bronze senior champion.


And finally a view of stallion and set-dressing, grey gold and black.

... more photographs are available to view at my website:

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

UKIAHS 2011 Championship Results

Junior Female Championship

Gold Champion

Stivalery BJ (Stival x V exotic Enchantress)

Silver Champion

Al Princess Aliha (WH Justice x Al Alih)

Bronze Champion

Redwood Lodge Saffiqa (RL Artique x RL Saffron)

Junior Male Championship

Gold Champion 

Aja Angelo (WH Justice x Aja Aaisha)

Silver Champion 
Maharani HDM (Marajj x Miss Yahsminah Elamal)

Bronze Champion 

Mascot Des Alpes (Marwan Al Shaqab x EAMT Marihuana)

Senior Female Championship

Gold Champion 

Alia EA (Khidar x Arabeska) 

Silver Champion

Hooria Al Shaqab (Al Aldeed Al Shaqab x Hanouf Al Shaqab)

Bronze Champion 

Al Alia 

Senior Male Championship

Gold Champion 

Shamael Apal (Psytadel x SA Natsarah)

Silver Champion

Psy Dream (Psytadel x La Diva)

Bronze Champion 

 Premier (Monogramm x Premiera)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Exhibition News

On the 10th July I attended a vetting for 'The Horse in Art' exhibition and my two paintings 'The Stranger' and 'Arabian Essence' were accepted by the panel for this prestigious exhibition. Details of the paintings and exhibition are listed below.

'The Stranger' 30" x 20" Oil on canvas

'Arabian Essence' 30" x 20" Oil on canvas
To be exhibited at:
'The Horse in Art' 
The Society of Equestrian Artists
International Open Exhibition
Mall Galleries
2nd-7th August 2011

Monday, 27 June 2011

Midlands Arabian Festival

Here are some photo-results, with further portfolio photographs available to view at

- Gelding Championship -

Gold Champion

Forever Spirit of Versace (Forever Besson x Love by Design GA)

Silver Champion
Notorious Psy (Padrons Psyche x WH Naschima)

Bronze Champion
Rasputin PA (Psyches Spirit x Raffalyn SRA)

- Junior Female Championship -

Gold Champion
Vision of Justice (WH Justice x Exquisite Dream)

Silver Champion
Stivalery BJ (Stival x V Exotic Enchantress)

Bronze Champion
Feuer Nejla (Ajman Moniscione x Neva bint Volga)

- Junior Male Championship -

Gold Champion
Aja Angelo (WH Justice x Aja Aaisha)

Silver Champion
Masters Image (Master Design GA x HT Nyasa)

Bronze Champion
Forelocks Le Charmeur (Psytadel x La Brunette)

- Senior Female Championship -

Gold Champion
Alia EA (Khidar x Arabeska)

Silver Champion
Rasheekha Sabha (Richteous x Tammens ANA)

Bronze Champion
Muranas Nani (Psytadel x Baranka)

- Senior Male Championship -

Gold Champion
AH Kuda (Pilot x My Midnite Dancer) 

Silver Champion
Om El Extreem (Sanadik El Shaklan x Om El Extreem)

Bronze Champion:
Psy Dream (Psytadel x La Diva)

- Some full class results -

Class 9 Broodmare 9 years old and over with foal at foot

1.  Muranas Nani (Psytadel x Baranka)

2. Yokosuka F (Elton x Yarra)

3. Angelica Bint Ben Raja (Aja Ben Rajah x Ross Estara)

4. TD Madeira (G Iridis x Moneeq)

5. Biba (Thee Outlaw x Deserai)

6. SHF Minnie Pearl (SHF Southern Whiz x Citona)


7. Karalisa (Ibn Charismma x Kalana)

Class 10 Foal born in 2011 

1. Vesuvius KD (Vivegas x Biba)

2. Monaco Beau (Vivegas x Angelica Bint Ben Raja)

3. Unnamed Foal (Psy Dream x Yokosuka F)

4. Vivanchez (Vivegas x SHF Minnie Pearl)

5. Nafisah Bint Tobago (H Tobago x Karalisa)

Class 11a Barren Mare 4-6 years old

1. Alia EA (Khidar x Arabeska)

2. Rasheekha Sabha (Richteous x Tammens ANA)

3. SG Amber Djewel (WH Justice x Djewel)

4. SD Miss Echoo (Kadars Echoo x MB Evaicha)

5. Malaak (Toman x Makara)

6. Malawi (Aazari x Monsoon)

7. Miro-Meeva ZB (Mirokan x Lijeva)

Class 11b Barren Mare 7 years old and over 

1. Kyla Jean (Affirmed x WA Psyches Charm)

2. Aazura (Aazari x Dashan)

3. Miss Debutante E (Enzo x Socialite)

4. Kkiss of Gold (Legacy of Gold x Kkissandra)

5. Aja Chalina (FS Bengali x CF Chardonnay)

6. Rizaari (Aazari x Riyaala)

Class 12a Junior Stallion 4-6 years

1. Psy Dream (Psytadel x La Diva)

2. Ali Moniscione (Psytadel x Alianna Moniscione)

3. AB Navarino (Psytadel x Nastrada)

4. ROE Labeeb (FS Bengali x ZT Ludjbrosia)

5. SG Latif ibn Liana (KZ Ibreez x Liana El Shaklan)

Class 12b Stallion 7 years old and over

1. AH Kuda (Pilot x My Midnite Dancer)

2. Om El Extreem (Sanadik El Shaklan x Om El Bint Shaina)

3. Ali Abbas (Adawy x Lalique)

4. Forever Besson (Besson Carol x Forever bint Czar)

5. Ffoenix (Ffatal Attraction x Alysia)